Get Involved
All of our content is culturally accountable, reviewed for acceptability by First Nations community members from Baabayn Aboriginal Corporation. Further review is conducted for special issues with representatives with lived experience related to the issues theme.
Each publication will follow a specific theme related to social justice and psychology. The theme for each issue will be published in advance on the Psychologists for Social Justice Facebook page and on this website.
Each issue will contain the following articles:
A theoretical paper which is more academic in nature
A Community Voices paper written by a community member or consisting of an interview related to lived experience
A practice-based paper
An interview piece
A creative piece, including art, poetry, creative writing etc.
A piece called Ideas That Changed Me
Please find below the submission guidelines for each section. When submitting an EOI to write a piece, please put the section you submitting to and attention to the relevant editor in the email subject line.
We invite people from diverse disciplines and backgrounds to submit to this magazine. For in-depth articles (theoretical, practice, community voices), we would like to create opportunities for authors to develop their work through mentorship. That is, rather than having a peer review process focused on discipline specific criticism, we would like to connect you with a mentor in your field to help guide you through the process of preparing your work publication. With all submissions please include a short bio.
The theme of our next issue is Sanism.
We look forward to hearing from you.

Editor Paul Rhodes
This section provides an opportunity to share philosophical ideas from thinkers that inspire you. We are looking for brief papers which serve to introduce our audience to contemporary theory focused on radical psychology, feminism, indigenous knowledge systems, post-structuralism, post-humanism, decolonial theory or anything else that inspires activism for mental health professionals. The key with these papers, however, is to avoid jargon and to translate theory into writing that is accessible for all. Submissions for this section should be referenced. Papers should also not exceed 2500 words or be shorter than 1000.
For Theoretical submissions please email activist.practitioner@gmail.comwith Theoretical attention Paul in the subject line.

Editor Miranda Cashin
Calling all creatives; this section aims to explore topics of psychology and social justice through creativity. All creative mediums are welcome, from poetry, short stories, personal essays and photographic essays.
There is no strict word limit for creative pieces but please keep pieces under 2,000 words. In your email please provide the themed issue you are contributing to along with a short bio.
For creative submissions please email activist.practitioner@gmail.comwith Creative attention Miranda in the subject line.
Community Voices
Editor Ruth Nelson
We need to know what you do. There are people who do amazing grassroots work in communities around the world. Lots of you are too busy to have the time to write. Lots of you are too humble. But we need to learn from you. If you can tell us about your work, we can help you document it for The Activist Practitioner. It needs to be in language that is easily read and the word length is flexible. Please get in touch with your ideas.
For Community Voices submissions please email
activist.practitioner@gmail.com with Community Voices attention Ruth Nelson in the subject line.
Community Voices
Editor Ruth Nelson

Editor Miranda Cashin
Each issue will feature an interview with an individual with lived experience, expertise or innovative ideas related to the theme of each particular issue.
For Interview suggestions email
activist.practitioner@gmail.com with Interview attention Miranda in the subject line.

Activism in Practice
Editor Sahra O’Doherty
The Activism in Practice section is an opportunity for mental health practitioners to describe how you apply decolonisation principles and values-led activist practice in your clinical work, or your work with groups and communities within the mental health space. You can talk about any area of social justice activism that aligns to your values and practice, and how you integrate principles, frameworks, models, or theories linked to that area of social justice into your practice. You can also discuss your engagement with activist actions linked to social justice and mental health. This section is not a theoretical, academic exercise, but more about aligned action.
For Activism in Practice submissions please email activist.practitioner@gmail.comwith Activism in Practice attention Sahra in the subject line.

Ideas that Changed Me
Editor Max Loomes
We invite readers to submit small 500 word pieces on ideas, theory, quotes, philosophies, that have inspired them as activist practitioners.
For Ideas that Changed Me Submissions email
activist.practitioner@gmail.com with Ideas that Changed Me attention Max in the subject line.

Get In Touch
If you have any questions about the magazine or suggestions for future issues please contact us